Log Calculator: Know everything to decode the Logarithm processes |Logarithm Calculator

Log Calculator


Log/Logarithm: What is it?

The Log or Logarithm can be termed as the inverse for the mathematical operations carried out with exponentiation. This suggests that the value for log of any number can be deemed as the number with a fixed form of base which is raised for yielding the exact number. However, these calculations get tougher with complications added to the log theorems. You can use the log calculator to get the exact result.
In conventional sense, the log theorem is applicable when the base is 10, although the base could be anything from a number to character. For example, with the base as e, the log form is usually written as "ln" as opposed to Loge. Log2.
When we talk about binary logarithm, this is actually another base which is used typically with logarithms. Say for example:
X= by
Here y= logbx;
Where the base is "b"
Each of these mentioned bases tend to be used typically in various applications. The Base 10 can be commonly used with engineering and science. On the other hand, base e is used in physics and maths. When talking about the computer science platform with log solver, the base 2 is used. So, if you plan on using the log calculator or the logarithm calculator, knowing the basic rules will surely help you understand the results.

Basic Rules of Logarithm

Let's learn a bit about the basic rules of the logarithm functions that are mostly used with logarithmic calculator.
When argument of the logarithm is product from two numerals, its logarithm value can be written as addition of logarithm with each numeral.
Logb (X * Y)
=logbX + logbY

Log (1 * 10)
= log (1) + log (10)
= 0 + 1
= 1
On the other hand, when the logarithm argument is fraction, the value for the logarithm can actually be written in the form of subtraction for logarithm where the numerator is deducted from the denominator.
Logb (X/Y)
= logbX -- logbY

=log (10) - log (2)
=1- 0.301

Common and Natural Logarithms

The most primarily used log bases are the common logarithm and natural logarithm. The one with base e=2.7182818 can be termed as natural logarithm. Initially, this term was mentioned by the University of Copenhagen based mathematics teacher named Nicholas Mercator. All these factors come into play with the logarithm calculator or log calculator.
On the other hand, natural logarithm can be denoted with the symbol In x. The prime function of natural logarithm can be cited in the formulas used for the compound interest as well as rate for economic growth. The logarithm that comes with base 10 can be denoted by the symbol log10X or Lg X. It can also be termed as standard logarithm or decimal logarithm. In this case, perfect results can be acquired with use of log base calculator.
Earlier, the best methods to calculate the log for numbers was with use of log tables. However, one can use the Logarithm equation calculator to obtain perfect results.

What is Logarithm Functions?

A logarithm function is simply the exponent which is written down in the special way. In essence the logarithm calculator can be used as Logarithmic functions calculator as well. In essence, Logarithmic functions can be termed as the inverses for the exponential functions & the exponential functions can easily be expressed using the logarithmic form. In a similar way, the logarithm functions are rewritten in the exponential form. These factorials are very useful when it comes to permitting the users to work with large section of numbers while they manipulate the same to a manageable size.