Dot Product Calculator | Vector Dot & Multiplication Calculator

Enter a matrix of size m x n below in the form


Dot Product calculator


The Dot Product Calculator is a free online method for measuring the dot product of two vectors. The online calculator tool speeds up the measurement and shows the vectors' product in a matter of seconds.The scalar quantity obtained from specific operations on the vector components is defined as the dot product, also known as the scalar quantity. The heavy dot represents the product of two vectors, which is used to evaluate if the two vectors are orthogonal. The formula for calculating the product, if a and b is the two vectors, can be given as:

a * b = |a| × |b| × cos(θ)

The calculator can also be used to calculate the angle between two vectors when cosine is the ratio of the scalar product to the magnitudes of the vectors:

cos(θ) = a * b / (|a| * |b|)

Vector Dot Product Calculator

When solving vector multiplication problems, the vector calculator works like a treat. Instead of manually calculating the scalar product, simply enter the components of two vectors into this tool and let it do the work for you.

Continue reading to learn how to use the formula, determine the product of two vectors, and oversimplify the matrix formula.

Vector Multiplication Calculator

The dot product (also known as the scalar product), denoted by the symbol "," and the cross product, denoted by the symbol "×", are the two primary forms of vector multiplication. The critical difference is that the dot operation's product is a single number, while the cross operation's output is a vector.

How to determine the vector dot product:

  • Select a vector a.
  • Pick a vector b.
  • Determine the product of each vector's first variable.
  • Calculate the product of each vector's second (middle) variable.
  • Calculate the product of each vector's third variable.
  • To find the product of the vectors a and b, add all of these results together.

Matrix Dot Product

The product operation can probably be applicable to more similar settings, such as matrices, as well as vectors. As a result, we get another matrix C, which looks like this: cij = ai1b1j + ai2b2j + … + ainbnj = Σk aikbkj

It's similar to the scalar product of simple vectors, except the process must be repeated for each variable multiple times.

Not all matrices, however, can be multiplied. If we consider A as a m * n matrix and B as a k * l matrix, then n must equal k in the resulting matrix C = A * B, and l must equal m in the resulting matrix D = B * A. In other words, the left matrix's number of columns must match the number of rows in the second.

Scalar Product

When two vectors are written in spherical coordinates, the scalar product can also be calculated. To solve the problem, we must use the radius r and two angles θ, φ, to express our new coordinates.

x₁ = r₁ × sin(φ)₁ × cos(θ)₁,
y₁ = r₁ × sin(φ)₁ × sin(θ)₁,
z₁ = r₁ × cos(φ)₁

Similarly, for x2, y2, and z2, the result will be as follows:

a * b = x₁ * x₂ + y₁ * y₂ + z₁ * z₂ = r₁ * r₂ * sin(φ)₁ * cos(θ)₁ * sin(φ)₂ * cos(θ)₂ + r₁ * r₂ * sin(φ)₁ * sin(θ)₁ * sin(φ)₂ * sin(θ)₂ + r₁ × r₂ * cos(φ)₁ * cos(φ)₂

When we use the cosine of the angle difference equation, the formula becomes:

a * b = r₁ * r₂ * (sinφ₁ * sinφ₂ * cos(θ ₁ - θ ₂) + cosφ₁ * cosφ₂)

Dot Product of u and v Calculator

Let's take a closer look at the formula. We can find the image of the scalar product by drawing both vectors separated by the angle and then trying to find the image of the scalar product, and we'll see that this is made up of two elements multiplied together: the projection of one vector into the course of a second vector, and the same for second vector.

The outcome is simply the product of their lengths since they are both parallel. The procedure can be done in two ways, but the effect is still the same. To sum up this part, the u and v calculator product is a multiplication of the lengths of two vectors projected in the direction of one of them.

The product of a vector with itself, a2 = aa, is one example. The product is the square of the vector's length since the projection and the vector are the same things. In other words, we can use the square root over the following product to find the length of any vector: |a| = √(aa).